How to Childproof Your Windows

With two young children of my own, I know that child safety is extremely important in the home. We’ve all heard the horror stories of fatal accidents in the home, and many of those were very preventable. Childproofing your windows is among the many precautions you need to take to ensure this does not happen to your family. Implement at least one of these safety measurements to help protect your little ones.


The most effective way to childproof windows is to lock all windows in the house. There are childproof window locks available for every kind of window, which can be found at any hardware store.


If you like to keep the windows open for ventilation, adding window guards on your window screens will help prevent your child from falling through them. There is no window screen in the market that is strong enough to prevent a fall.

Window guards come with a variety of styles and colors, but be sure to select a guard that is designed specifically to protect your children from falls.


Another method to prevent falls is to install window stops on every window. Not only will the stops help you control the opening size of your windows, but they are also very cost-effective. Note: 4” is the maximum child-safe distance for a window opening.


Blind cords can be extremely dangerous. Replace all old window blinds with cordless shades. If installing new blinds is not a feasible option, review these safety videos from Parents for Window Blind Safety to make sure your windows are safe. One final option is to simply cut the cords to a length that is out of your child’s reach.


  • Examine all window areas carefully and make sure that children do not endanger themselves by climbing on nearby furniture
  • Check all of your windows and secure all dangling cords
  • Replace all broken or torn window screens.